A weaver, wellspring, and conduit of prophetic imagery.
Presenting webARCHIVE by Haricore_ - Experience the unique beauty of a web woven in attributes, tags, scripts, and most importantly, visual stimuli. Browse utopia* today and trust in the you of tomorrow**!
[Stimulus may be in still or in motion and/or accompanied by audio. Your physical and chronal position relative to the source dictates the order in which the information is communicated and promptly rendered. If you have any questions please contact a staff member and a representative will be with you at the soonest available moment.]
*Haricore_ reserves the right to produce stimulus that is dystopic in nature.
**Haricore_ is not liable for behaviour of the you of tomorrow, nor actions undertaken by the you of tomorrow, nor the resulting consequences faced by the you of tomorrow.
Terms & Conditions apply. If you would like to lodge a complaint click here!
This site update is being pushed at approx. 11,000 metres above Varanasi.